

Por lo que parece, aún quedan algunas cosas del Tiki (Tikiwiki CMS/Groupware, el programa que hay detrás de esta web) por traducir desde el inglés al castellano, o adaptar la traducción a nuestro registro de vocabulario (hay cosas traducidas por y para mejicanos, parece ser: "logueado como", etc.)

Proponed aquí las palabras o frases que a vuestro criterio se deberían traducir para mejorar la página.
(La comisión web irá cambiando las cosas en el archivo de traducción del Tiki)

Formato (sin negritas)

"Palabra o frase actual" > "cambio propuesto" (gente a favor) (en contra: gente en contra, si la hay, y alternativa propuesta más abajo)

Lista de cambios propuestos
  • Al hacer una búsqueda, sale encontado en lugar de encontrado: proviene del inglés Found (jabi)
  • "You can download the new file at:" > "Descárgatelo en pdf desde:" (Emilio, comprobando las "tikinotificaciones", que palabrejo xd, de la galería de recortes de prensa a la estatal)

(Yo pondría "Descárgatelo desde:", ya que el archivo puede ser pdf o no (Pablo))

    • no está en el language.php. ¿sabéis en qué tpl se usa? (Xavi)
  • "Un nuevo archivo fue ingresado en la galerìa de archivos:Recortes de prensa" > "Han subido un nuevo archivo a la galería de: Recortes de Prensa" (Emilio, comprobando las "tikinotificaciones", que palabrejo xd, de la galería de recortes de prensa a la estatal)

(Yo pondría "Hay disponible un nuevo archivo en la galería...", (Pablo))

    • no está en el language.php. ¿sabéis en qué tpl se usa? (Xavi)
  • "You can view the updated file gallery at:" > "Puedes ver la galería en:" (en las tiki-notificaciones cuando se borra un archivo de la galería (Pablo))
    • no está en el language.php. ¿sabéis en qué tpl se usa? (Xavi)

Lista de cambios ya realizados


Textos por traducir en 1.9cvs (23 Julio 2008)

a medida que se traduzca, quitar las dos barras y el espacio del principio de la frase, para facilitar el trabajo luego de subir al repositorio de tikiwiki lo que se haya traducido ya, sea de donde sea. No hace falta traducir secuencialmente en el orden que aparece aquí. (Xavi)

Corregir en el cvs:

"Register as a new user" => "Registrarse como un nuevo usuario"

Por traducir:

"Andorra" => "Andorra",
"Afghanistan" => "Afganistán",
"Anguilla" => "Anguila",
"Albania" => "Albania",
"Netherlands_Antilles" => "Antillas_Holandesas",
"Antarctica" => "Antártida",
"Aruba" => "Aruba",
"Aland_Islands" => "Islas_de_Aland",
"Azerbaijan" => "Azerbaiyán",
"Bosnia_and_Herzegovina" => "Bosnia-Herzegovina",
"British_Indian_Ocean_Territory" => "Territorio_Británico_del_Océano_Índico",
"British_Virgin_Islands" => "Islas_Vírgenes_Británicas",
"Bulgarian" => "Bulgaria",
"Burkina_Faso" => "Burkina_Faso",
"Burundi" => "Burundi",
"Benin" => "Benin",
"Bhutan" => "Bután",
"Bouvet_Island" => "Isla_Bouvet",
"Botswana" => "Botswana",
"Belize" => "Belice",
"Cambodia" => "Camboya",
"Cameroon" => "Camerún",
"Cape_Verde" => "Cabo_Verde",
"Central_African_Republic" => "República_Centroafricana",
"Chad" => "Chad",
"Christmas_Island" => "Isla_de_Navidad",
"Cocos_Islands" => "Islas_Cocos",
"Comoros" => "Comoras",
"Congo_Democratic" => "República_Democrática_del_Congo",
"Congo" => "Congo",
"Djibouti" => "Yibuti",
"Dominica" => "Dominica",
"Equatorial_Guinea" => "Guinea_Ecuatorial",
"Eritrea" => "Eritrea",
"Ethiopia" => "Etiopía",
"Europe" => "Europa",
"Falkland_Islands" => "Islas_Malvinas",
"Faroe_Islands" => "Islas_Feroe",
"Farsi" => "Farsi",
"French_Guiana" => "Guyana_Francesa",
"French_Southern_Territories" => "Tierras_Australes_Francesas",
"Gabon" => "Gabón",
"Galician" => "Galicia",
"Gambia" => "Gambia",
"Georgia" => "Georgia",
"Ghana" => "Gana",
"Gibraltar" => "Gibraltar",
"Greenland" => "Groenlandia",
"Guadeloupe" => "Guadalupe",
"Guernsey" => "Guernsey",
"Guinea" => "Guinea",
"Guinea_Bissau" => "Guinea_Bissau",
"Guyana" => "Guyana",
"Heard_Island_and_McDonald_Islands" => "Islas_Heard_y_McDonald",
"Hong_Kong" => "Hong_Kong",
"Isle_of_Man" => "Isla_de_Man",
"Jersey" => "Jersey",
"Kyrgyzstan" => "Kirguistán",
"Laos" => "Laos",
"Liechtenstein" => "Liechtenstein",
"Liberia" => "Liberia",
"Lesotho" => "Lesoto",
"Libya" => "Libia",
"Macao" => "Macao",
"Madagascar" => "Madagascar",
"Macedonia" => "Macedonia",
"Maldives" => "Maldivas",
"Mali" => "Mali",
"Martinique" => "Martinica",
"Mauritania" => "Mauritania",
"Mayotte" => "Mayotte",
"Monaco" => "Mónaco",
"Moldova" => "Moldavia",
"Mongolia" => "Mongolia",
"Montenegro" => "Montenegro",
"Montserrat" => "Montserrat",
"Myanmar" => "Myanmar",
"Namibia" => "Namibia",
"Niger" => "Niger",
"Norfolk_Island" => "Isla_Norfolk",
"North_Korea" => "Corea_del_Norte",
"Northern_Mariana_Islands" => "Islas_Marianas_del_Norte",
"Oman" => "Omán",
"Palestine" => "Palestina",
"Palau" => "Palaos",
"Pitcairn" => "Islas_Pitcairn",
"Reunion" => "Reunión",
"Rwanda" => "Ruanda",
"Saint_Helena" => "Santa_Helena",
"Saint_Kitts_and_Nevis" => "San_Cristóbal_y_Nieves",
"Saint_Lucia" => "Santa_Lucía",
"Saint_Pierre_and_Miquelon" => "San_Pedro_y_Miguelón",
"San_Marino" => "San_Marino",
"Sao_Tome_and_Principe" => "Santo_Tomé_y_Principe",
"Senegal" => "Senegal",
"Serbia" => "Serbia",
"Seychelles" => "Seychelles",
"Sierra_Leone" => "Sierra_Leona",
"South_Georgia_and_South_Sandwich_Islands" => "Islas_Georgias_del_Sur_y_Sandwich_del_Sur",
"Sudan" => "Sudán",
"Svalbard_and_Jan_Mayen" => "Svalbard_y_Jan_Mayen",
"Swaziland" => "Suazilandia",
"Syria" => "Siria",
"Tajikistan" => "Tayikistán",
"Tanzania" => "Tanzania",
"Timor-Leste" => "Timor_Oriental",
"Togo" => "Togo",
"Tokelau" => "Tokelau",
"Tunisia" => "Túnez",
"Turkmenistan" => "Turkmenistán",
"Turks_and_Caicos_Islands" => "Islas_Turcas_y_Caicos",
"Uganda" => "Uganda",
"United_States_Minor_Outlying_Islands" => "Islas_Ultramarinas_de_Estados_Unidos",
"US_Virgin_Islands" => "Islas_Vírgenes_de_los_Estados_Unidos",
"Uzbekistan" => "Uzbekistan",
"Vatican" => "Vaticano",
"Viet_Nam" => "Vietnam",
"Wallis_and_Futuna" => "Wallis_y_Futuna",
"Western_Sahara" => "Sahara Occidental",
"World" => "Mundo",
"Yemen" => "Yemen",
"Farsi" => "Persa",
"Finnish" => "Finlandés",
"Cannot write to this file: " => "No se puede escribir en este archivo: ",
"Another post with the same title and content already exists" => "Ya existe otro post con el mismo título y contenido",
"Cannot open this file:" => "No puedo abrir este archivo:",
"This poll is closed." => "Esta votación está cerrada.",
// "Tracker item" => "Tracker item",
// "index" => "index",
"Status:" => "Estado:",
"(unchanged)" => "(sin cambio)",
"field is not numeric" => "el campo no es numérico",
// "Textarea options: quicktags,width,height,max,listmax - Use Quicktags is 1 or 0, widthis indicated in chars, height is indicated in lines, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, listmax isthe maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode." => "Textarea options: quicktags,width,height,max,listmax - Use Quicktags is 1 or 0, widthis indicated in chars, height is indicated in lines, max is the maximum number of characters that can be saved, listmax isthe maximum number of characters that are displayed in list mode.",
"Default value is specified by having the value indicated twice consecutively" => "El valor por defecto se especifica dejando el valor indicado dos veces consecutivamente"
// "drop down with other textfield" => "drop down with other textfield",
// "country selector" => "country selector",
// "Country Selector options: 1|2 where 1 show only country name and 2 show only country flag. By default show both country name and flag" => "Country Selector options: 1|2 where 1 show only country name and 2 show only country flag. By default show both country name and flag",
"date only" => "sólo fecha",
// "Select only a date. If not mandatory, allows blank dates. Enter a \"0\" (zero) in the field to the right to default to blank date, otherwise default is today. Flagging mandatory overrides \"0\" option." => "Select only a date. If not mandatory, allows blank dates. Enter a \"0\" (zero) in the field to the right to default to blank date, otherwise default is today. Flagging mandatory overrides \"0\" option.",
// "Image options: xListSize,yListSize,xDetailsSize,yDetailsSize,uploadLimitScale indicated in pixels." => "Image options: xListSize,yListSize,xDetailsSize,yDetailsSize,uploadLimitScale indicated in pixels.",
// "Item Link options: trackerId,fieldId,linkToItem links to item from trackerId which fieldId matches the content of that field. linkToItem 1|0 to create a link to the item in view mode and listing" => "Item Link options: trackerId,fieldId,linkToItem links to item from trackerId which fieldId matches the content of that field. linkToItem 1|0 to create a link to the item in view mode and listing",
// "Items list options: trackerId,fieldIdThere, fieldIdHere, displayFieldIdThere, linkToItems displays the list of displayFieldIdThere from item in tracker trackerId where fieldIdThere matches fieldIdHere. linkToItems 1|0 to create a link to items in view mode and listing" => "Items list options: trackerId,fieldIdThere, fieldIdHere, displayFieldIdThere, linkToItems displays the list of displayFieldIdThere from item in tracker trackerId where fieldIdThere matches fieldIdHere. linkToItems 1|0 to create a link to items in view mode and listing",
"Added:" => "Añadido:",
"Removed:" => "Borrado:",
"Remaining:" => "Permanece:",
"Old:" => "Viejo:",
"New:" => "Nuevo:",
"The administrator has not yet validated your account. Please wait." => "El administrador no ha validado aún su cuenta. Por favor, sea paciente.",
"You must validate your account first. An email has been sent to you" => "Debes validar tu cuenta primero. Se te ha enviado un correo electrónico",
"The registration mail can't be sent because there is no server email address set, and this feature is disabled" => "The registration mail can't be sent because there is no server email address set, and this feature is disabled",
"{ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicName,type=>type,categId=>Category parent ID)}{ARTICLES} Insert articles into a wikipage" => "{ARTICLES(max=>3,topic=>topicName,type=>type,categId=>Category parent ID)}{ARTICLES} Insertar artículos en una wikipágina",
"{EVENTS(calendarid=>id1+id2,maxdays=>365,max=>-1,datetime=>0|1,desc=>0|1)}{EVENTS} Insert rss feed output into a wikipage" => "{EVENTS(calendarid=>id1+id2,maxdays=>365,max=>-1,datetime=>0|1,desc=>0|1)}{EVENTS} Insertar feed de rss externo en una wikipágina",
// "Missing parameter movie to the plugin flash" => "Missing parameter movie to the plugin flash",
"Formula" => "Fórmula",
"No formula specified." => "No se especifica fórmula.",
// "Impossible to render the graphic." => "Impossible to render the graphic.",
"View graphic" => "Ver gráfico",
// "Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups" => "Display wiki text if user is in one of listed groups",
// "Runs a Java applet to access a local Jabber service" => "Runs a Java applet to access a local Jabber service",
// "Displays a map" => "Displays a map",
// "Displays object hit info by object and days" => "Displays object hit info by object and days",
// "{RSS(id=>feedId+feedId2,max=>3,date=>1,desc=>1,author=>1)}{RSS} Insert rss feed output into a wikipage" => "{RSS(id=>feedId+feedId2,max=>3,date=>1,desc=>1,author=>1)}{RSS} Insert rss feed output into a wikipage",
// "Clickable Skype link" => "Clickable Skype link",
// "Displays text in superscript." => "Displays text in superscript.",
// "Displays text between an html tag" => "Displays text between an html tag",
// "Following mandatory fields are missing" => "Following mandatory fields are missing",
// "Following fields are incorrect" => "Following fields are incorrect",
// "Other:" => "Other:",
// "You do not have permission to insert an item" => "You do not have permission to insert an item",
// "All fields must be from the same tracker" => "All fields must be from the same tracker",
// "Filters the items of a tracker, fields are indicated with numeric ids." => "Filters the items of a tracker, fields are indicated with numeric ids.",
// "missing parameters" => "missing parameters",
// "tracker field type not processed yet" => "tracker field type not processed yet",
// "incorrect filterfield" => "incorrect filterfield",
// "Lists wanted Wiki pages: " => "Lists wanted Wiki pages: ",
// "Page-Pattern" => "Page-Pattern",
// "Custom-Level-Regex" => "Custom-Level-Regex",

// "
Parameters: key=>value,...\n" => "
Parameters: key=>value,...\n",

// "key | default | comments\n" => "key | default | comments\n",
// "empty string" => "empty string",
// "A wildcard pattern of originating pages to be ignored.<br />" => "A wildcard pattern of originating pages to be ignored.<br />",
// "(refer to PHP function fnmatch() for details)\n" => "(refer to PHP function fnmatch() for details)\n",
// "The character, by which ignored patterns are separated.<br />" => "The character, by which ignored patterns are separated.<br />",
// "possible values: characters\n" => "possible values: characters\n",
// "Whether to include external wikis in the list.<br />" => "Whether to include external wikis in the list.<br />",
// "possible values: " => "possible values: ",
// "Collect either originating or wanted pages in a cell and display them in the second column.<br />" => "Collect either originating or wanted pages in a cell and display them in the second column.<br />",
// "Switch-on debug output with details about the items.<br />" => "Switch-on debug output with details about the items.<br />",
// "Multiple collected items are separated in distinct table rows, or by comma or line break in one cell.<br />" => "Multiple collected items are separated in distinct table rows, or by comma or line break in one cell.<br />",
// "Filter the list of wanted pages according to page_regex or custom filter. The default value is the site's current page_regex.<br />" => "Filter the list of wanted pages according to page_regex or custom filter. The default value is the site's current page_regex.<br />",
// "A custom filter for wanted pages to be listed (only used when level=>custom).<br />" => "A custom filter for wanted pages to be listed (only used when level=>custom).<br />",
// "a valid regex-expression (PCRE)" => "a valid regex-expression (PCRE)",
// "non-valid custom regex" => "non-valid custom regex",
// ", " => ", ",
// "ignored" => "ignored",
// "dash-WikiWord" => "dash-WikiWord",
// "WikiWord" => "WikiWord",
// "not in level" => "not in level",
// "End of debug output." => "End of debug output.",
// "Wanted Page" => "Wanted Page",
// "Referenced By Page" => "Referenced By Page",
// "Page locked" => "Page locked",
// "Page unlocked" => "Page unlocked",
// "You have to be able to receive messages in order to send them. Goto your user preferences and enable 'Allow messages from other users'" => "You have to be able to receive messages in order to send them. Goto your user preferences and enable 'Allow messages from other users'",
// "new posts" => "new posts",
// "new tracker items" => "new tracker items",

// "in \" . \$tracker_name[\$res\%22trackerId\%22]);\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22cname\%22 = \"slvn_tracker\" . \$res\%22trackerId\%22 . \"_menu\";\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22list\%22[\$counta[\$res'trackerId']]\%22href\%22 = \"tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=\" . \$res\%22itemId\%22;\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22list\%22[\$counta[\$res'trackerId']]\%22title\%22 = \$tikilib->get_short_datetime(\$res\%22created\%22);\n\n\t\t\t\t\$cacheKey = 'trackerItemLabel'.\$res'itemId';\n\t\t\t\tif (!\$cachelib->isCached(\$cacheKey)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$query = \"select `fieldId` from `tiki_tracker_fields` where `isMain` = ? and `trackerId` = ? order by `position`\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\$fieldId = \$tikilib->getOne(\$query, array('y',\$res'trackerId'));\n\t\t\t\t\t\$query = \"select `value` from `tiki_tracker_item_fields` where `fieldId` = ? and `itemId` = ?\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\$label = \$tikilib->getOne(\$query, array(\$fieldId,\$res'itemId'));\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\$cachelib->cacheItem(\$cacheKey, \$label);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$label = \$cachelib->getCached(\$cacheKey);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (\$label == 'b:0;'
\$label == ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$label = \"Trk i\" . \$res'trackerId' . \" - ID: \" . \$res'itemId';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22list\%22[\$counta[\$res'trackerId']]\%22label\%22 = \$label;\n \t\t\t\t\$counta[\$res'trackerId']++;\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22count\%22 = \$counta[\$res'trackerId'];\n \t\t\t\t\$count++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22count\%22 = \$count;\n\n\n\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22utrackers\%22\%22label\%22 = tra(\"updated tracker items" => "in \" . \$tracker_name[\$res\%22trackerId\%22]);\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22cname\%22 = \"slvn_tracker\" . \$res\%22trackerId\%22 . \"_menu\";\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22list\%22[\$counta[\$res'trackerId']]\%22href\%22 = \"tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=\" . \$res\%22itemId\%22;\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22list\%22[\$counta[\$res'trackerId']]\%22title\%22 = \$tikilib->get_short_datetime(\$res\%22created\%22);\n\n\t\t\t\t\$cacheKey = 'trackerItemLabel'.\$res'itemId';\n\t\t\t\tif (!\$cachelib->isCached(\$cacheKey)) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$query = \"select `fieldId` from `tiki_tracker_fields` where `isMain` = ? and `trackerId` = ? order by `position`\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\$fieldId = \$tikilib->getOne(\$query, array('y',\$res'trackerId'));\n\t\t\t\t\t\$query = \"select `value` from `tiki_tracker_item_fields` where `fieldId` = ? and `itemId` = ?\";\n\t\t\t\t\t\$label = \$tikilib->getOne(\$query, array(\$fieldId,\$res'itemId'));\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\$cachelib->cacheItem(\$cacheKey, \$label);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$label = \$cachelib->getCached(\$cacheKey);\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (\$label == 'b:0;'
\$label == ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\$label = \"Trk i\" . \$res'trackerId' . \" - ID: \" . \$res'itemId';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22list\%22[\$counta[\$res'trackerId']]\%22label\%22 = \$label;\n \t\t\t\t\$counta[\$res'trackerId']++;\n\t\t\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22tid\%22[\$res'trackerId']\%22count\%22 = \$counta[\$res'trackerId'];\n \t\t\t\t\$count++;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22trackers\%22\%22count\%22 = \$count;\n\n\n\t\t\$ret\%22items\%22\%22utrackers\%22\%22label\%22 = tra(\"updated tracker items",

// "Invalid server key" => "Invalid server key",
// "Post new message" => "Post new message",
// "Perhaps you were looking for:" => "Perhaps you were looking for:",
// "any type" => "any type",
// "all topic" => "all topic",
// "any language" => "any language",
// "any category" => "any category",
// "You are about to leave this page. If you have made any changes without Saving, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?" => "You are about to leave this page. If you have made any changes without Saving, your changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit this page?",
// "Your Tiki account registration request for {\$mail_site} was validated by the site admin and your account is active now." => "Your Tiki account registration request for {\$mail_site} was validated by the site admin and your account is active now.",
// "To login with your username and password, please follow this link:" => "To login with your username and password, please follow this link:",
// "Tiki User Account Activated" => "Tiki User Account Activated",
// "{\$mail_user} <{\$mail_email}> has requested a new password on {\$mail_site}, but you need to validate his account first" => "{\$mail_user} <{\$mail_email}> has requested a new password on {\$mail_site}, but you need to validate his account first",
// "Go to your friendship network to accept or refuse this request" => "Go to your friendship network to accept or refuse this request",
// "Someone coming from IP Address" => "Someone coming from IP Address",
// "requested a reminder of the password for your account" => "requested a reminder of the password for your account",
// "requested password reset for your account" => "requested password reset for your account",
// "Please click on the following link to confirm you wish to reset your password and go to the screen where you must enter a new \"permanent\" password. Please pick a password only you will know, and don't share it with anyone else.\n{\$mail_machine}/tiki-remind_password.php?user={\$mail_user|escape:'url'}&actpass={\$mail_apass}\n\nDone! You should be logged in." => "Please click on the following link to confirm you wish to reset your password and go to the screen where you must enter a new \"permanent\" password. Please pick a password only you will know, and don't share it with anyone else.\n{\$mail_machine}/tiki-remind_password.php?user={\$mail_user|escape:'url'}&actpass={\$mail_apass}\n\nDone! You should be logged in.",
// "Important: The old password remains active if you don't click the link above." => "Important: The old password remains active if you don't click the link above.",
// "Tracker was modified at" => "Tracker was modified at",
// "Please notify the admin that the \"sender email\" option in the General configuration section has not been set. An internal Tiki message has been sent to the admin to validate your registration request. An email should arrive shortly after you have been validated, with information on how to login for the first time into this site" => "Please notify the admin that the \"sender email\" option in the General configuration section has not been set. An internal Tiki message has been sent to the admin to validate your registration request. An email should arrive shortly after you have been validated, with information on how to login for the first time into this site",
// "Image Gallery {\$galleryName} changed" => "Image Gallery {\$galleryName} changed",
// "A new file was posted to image gallery" => "A new file was posted to image gallery",
// "A new file have been attached to page" => "A new file have been attached to page",
// "File name" => "File name",
// "New attachment on %s, page" => "New attachment on %s, page",
// "Wiki page renamed" => "Wiki page renamed",
// "Old name" => "Old name",
// "hits last 7 days" => "hits last 7 days",
// "Display type unknown, you have to enter the banner type" => "Display type unknown, you have to enter the banner type",
// "You forgot your Google ad_client number !" => "You forgot your Google ad_client number !",
// "TikiWiki Assistant" => "TikiWiki Assistant",
// "Thank you for installing TikiWiki CMS/Groupware" => "Thank you for installing TikiWiki CMS/Groupware",
// "To configure your Tiki" => "To configure your Tiki",
// "Admin Home" => "Admin Home",
// "from the menu" => "from the menu",
// "Read the <a class=\"link\" href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Configuration\" title=\"TikiWiki Documentation\" target=\"_blank\">configuration documentation</a>" => "Read the <a class=\"link\" href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Configuration\" title=\"TikiWiki Documentation\" target=\"_blank\">configuration documentation</a>",
// "Watch the <a class=\"link\" href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/TikiMovies\" title=\"Demos\" target=\"_blank\">demo movies" => "Watch the <a class=\"link\" href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/TikiMovies\" title=\"Demos\" target=\"_blank\">demo movies",
// "To remove this module" => "To remove this module",
// "and remove the assistant module" => "and remove the assistant module",
// "You can also add other modules" => "You can also add other modules",
// "To customize the menu" => "To customize the menu",
// "and edit menu ID 42" => "and edit menu ID 42",
// "Or, create your own menu and add it to a module" => "Or, create your own menu and add it to a module",
// "To begin configuring Tiki, please" => "To begin configuring Tiki, please",
// "as the Admin" => "as the Admin",
// "The TikiWiki Community" => "The TikiWiki Community",
// "To learn more, visit: <a href=\"http://www.tikiwiki.org\" title=\"The TikiWiki Community\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.tikiwiki.org</a>" => "To learn more, visit: <a href=\"http://www.tikiwiki.org\" title=\"The TikiWiki Community\" target=\"_blank\">http://www.tikiwiki.org</a>",
// "TikiWiki Documentation" => "TikiWiki Documentation",
// "For help, visit <a href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org\" title=\"TikiWiki Documentation\" target=\"_blank\">http://doc.tikiwiki.org</a>" => "For help, visit <a href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org\" title=\"TikiWiki Documentation\" target=\"_blank\">http://doc.tikiwiki.org</a>",
// "Current events" => "Current events",
// "Last `\$module_rows` Modified Comments" => "Last `\$module_rows` Modified Comments",
// "Last Modified Comments" => "Last Modified Comments",
// "local account" => "local account",
// "Send a message" => "Send a message",
// "RSS Feeds" => "RSS Feeds",
// "Top `\$module_rows` Objects" => "Top `\$module_rows` Objects",
// "Top Objects" => "Top Objects",
// "Upcoming `\$module_rows` events" => "Upcoming `\$module_rows` events",
// "You need to activate user and/or group trackers" => "You need to activate user and/or group trackers",
// "on host" => "on host",
// "Edit Summary" => "Edit Summary",
// "RSS Trackers" => "RSS Trackers",
// "Confirm your action" => "Confirm your action",
// "Please, confirm your action" => "Please, confirm your action",
// "Intertiki" => "Intertiki",
// "InterTiki" => "InterTiki",
// "i18n" => "i18n",
// "Text area" => "Text area",
// "Trackbacks Pings" => "Trackbacks Pings",
// "Post level trackback pings" => "Post level trackback pings",
// "To add/remove calendars, look for \"Calendar\" under \"Admin\" on the application menu, or" => "To add/remove calendars, look for \"Calendar\" under \"Admin\" on the application menu, or",
// "Calendar manual selection of time/date" => "Calendar manual selection of time/date",
// "Use categories to regroup various Tiki objects." => "Use categories to regroup various Tiki objects.",
// "Browse categories" => "Browse categories",
// "Administer categories" => "Administer categories",
// "Print article" => "Print article",
// "Please see the <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features\">evaluation of each feature</a> on Tiki's developer site." => "Please see the <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Features\">evaluation of each feature</a> on Tiki's developer site.",
// "Mobile" => "Mobile",

// "Google Maps" => "Google Maps",
// "Redirect On Error" => "Redirect On Error",
// "Bottom bar icons" => "Bottom bar icons",
// "Bottom bar debug" => "Bottom bar debug",
// "Mover" => "Mover",
// "Move images from database storage to filesystem storage" => "Move images from database storage to filesystem storage",
// "Move images from filesystem storage to database storage" => "Move images from filesystem storage to database storage",
// "Move images from old filesystem store to new directory" => "Move images from old filesystem store to new directory",
// "Moved" => "Moved",
// "Specify if session data will be stored in the database instead of memory. Use this feature to share load between servers. Hint: Only activate this if you know what you are doing. You could be locking yourself out!" => "Specify if session data will be stored in the database instead of memory. Use this feature to share load between servers. Hint: Only activate this if you know what you are doing. You could be locking yourself out!",
// "Help system" => "Help system",
// "Please expect not found help-pages with the default-URL." => "Please expect not found help-pages with the default-URL.",
// "Any help with the documentation is welcome." => "Any help with the documentation is welcome.",
// "Release check" => "Release check",
// "Check frequency" => "Check frequency",
// "Each day" => "Each day",
// "Each week" => "Each week",
// "Each month" => "Each month",
// "Release checks are made when you browse admin main page only" => "Release checks are made when you browse admin main page only",
// "Force immediate check" => "Force immediate check",
// "Google Map setup" => "Google Map setup",
// "You need to request a Google Maps Key for this web site. You can easily generate a key for your domain at :" => "You need to request a Google Maps Key for this web site. You can easily generate a key for your domain at :",
// "Google Map Key" => "Google Map Key",
// "Default x for map center" => "Default x for map center",
// "Default y from map center" => "Default y from map center",
// "Default zoom level" => "Default zoom level",
// "whole earth" => "whole earth",
// "country size" => "country size",
// "city size" => "city size",
// "max zoom" => "max zoom",
// "Internationalization" => "Internationalization",
// "I18n setup" => "I18n setup",
// "Best Language" => "Best Language",
// "Intertiki exchange feature" => "Intertiki exchange feature",
// "Intertiki client" => "Intertiki client",
// "Tiki Unique key" => "Tiki Unique key",
// "InterTiki Slave mode" => "InterTiki Slave mode",
// "Warning: overrides manually registered local users" => "Warning: overrides manually registered local users",
// " as master" => " as master",
// "Import user preferences" => "Import user preferences",
// "Import user groups" => "Import user groups",
// "Limit group import (comma-separated list of imported groups, leave empty to avoid limitation)" => "Limit group import (comma-separated list of imported groups, leave empty to avoid limitation)",
// "InterTiki Server" => "InterTiki Server",
// "host" => "host",
// "Add new server" => "Add new server",
// "Intertiki server" => "Intertiki server",
// "Intertiki Server enabled" => "Intertiki Server enabled",
// "Access Log file" => "Access Log file",
// "Errors Log file" => "Errors Log file",
// "Known hosts" => "Known hosts",
// "Key" => "Key",
// "Contact" => "Contact",
// "New" => "New",
// "Text Area" => "Text Area",
// "You need to set <a href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=general\">Sender Email</a>" => "You need to set <a href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=general\">Sender Email</a>",
// "Remind passwords by email (if \"Store plaintext passwords\" is activated.) Else, Reset passwords by email" => "Remind passwords by email (if \"Store plaintext passwords\" is activated.) Else, Reset passwords by email",
// "Auth Type" => "Auth Type",
// "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Host" => "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Host",
// "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Port" => "IMAP/POP3/LDAP Port",
// "IMAP/POP3 BaseDSN" => "IMAP/POP3 BaseDSN",
// "You also need to upload the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://esup-phpcas.sourceforge.net/\">phpCAS library</a> separately to lib/phpcas/." => "You also need to upload the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://esup-phpcas.sourceforge.net/\">phpCAS library</a> separately to lib/phpcas/.",
// "Configure InterTiki here" => "Configure InterTiki here",
// "Right &amp; left boxes" => "Right &amp; left boxes",
// "Administer modules" => "Administer modules",
// "Hint: If you remove your login module, use tiki-login_scr.php to be able to login!" => "Hint: If you remove your login module, use tiki-login_scr.php to be able to login!",
// "Feed for individual tracker items" => "Feed for individual tracker items",
// "Feed for upcoming calendar events" => "Feed for upcoming calendar events",
// "Caching time :" => "Caching time :",
// "seconds (0 = cache inactive)" => "seconds (0 = cache inactive)",
// "Only enable caching if all syndicated content is public (visible to everyone) or private documents might leak out. Cache ignores existing permissions." => "Only enable caching if all syndicated content is public (visible to everyone) or private documents might leak out. Cache ignores existing permissions.",
// "Refresh wiki search index now" => "Refresh wiki search index now",
// "Refresh trackers search index now" => "Refresh trackers search index now",
// "Refresh tracker search index now" => "Refresh tracker search index now",
// "This text can be used as a variable" => "This text can be used as a variable",
// "Here you can (as an admin) place a piece of custom XHTML and/or Smarty code. Be careful and properly close all the tags before you choose to publish ! (Javascript, applets and object tags are stripped out.)" => "Here you can (as an admin) place a piece of custom XHTML and/or Smarty code. Be careful and properly close all the tags before you choose to publish ! (Javascript, applets and object tags are stripped out.)",
// "Test" => "Test",
// "Text area (that apply throughout many features)" => "Text area (that apply throughout many features)",
// "Please also see:" => "Please also see:",
// "View Templates" => "View Templates",
// "Trackers with mirror tables" => "Trackers with mirror tables",
// "Use trackers with mirror tables" => "Use trackers with mirror tables",
// "Values are stored in a dedicated table for each tracker, then you can easily manipulate them outside Tikiwiki" => "Values are stored in a dedicated table for each tracker, then you can easily manipulate them outside Tikiwiki",
// "WARNING : Old and New trackers cannot coexist. Trackers created with new library\nwill not work with old library and conversely" => "WARNING : Old and New trackers cannot coexist. Trackers created with new library\nwill not work with old library and conversely",
// "While classic trackers are mature, mirror table trackers are an experimental feature. Many bugs have been reported when using plugins, etc. <b>Do NOT use mirror trackers unless you know what you are doing</b> and are ready to participate to development and debugging. Mirror trackers could even eventually be discontinued from Tiki." => "While classic trackers are mature, mirror table trackers are an experimental feature. Many bugs have been reported when using plugins, etc. <b>Do NOT use mirror trackers unless you know what you are doing</b> and are ready to participate to development and debugging. Mirror trackers could even eventually be discontinued from Tiki.",
// "Validate choice" => "Validate choice",
// "Categories path" => "Categories path",
// "Load page on navigation" => "Load page on navigation",
// "Camera distance" => "Camera distance",
// "Camera distance adjusted relative to nearest node" => "Camera distance adjusted relative to nearest node",
// "Field of view" => "Field of view",
// "Node size" => "Node size",
// "Text size" => "Text size",
// "Friction constant" => "Friction constant",
// "Elastic constant" => "Elastic constant",
// "Eletrostatic constant" => "Eletrostatic constant",
// "Spring (connection) size" => "Spring (connection) size",
// "Node mass" => "Node mass",
// "Node charge" => "Node charge",
// "Moved to:" => "Moved to:",
// "Similar" => "Similar",
// "Footnotes" => "Footnotes",
// "Import Page" => "Import Page",
// "Print Page" => "Print Page",
// "Regex search and replace" => "Regex search and replace",
// "IP not displayed in history" => "IP not displayed in history",
// "History only for data, description, comment change" => "History only for data, description, comment change",
// "A new version of TikiWiki, <b>{\$tiki_release}</b>, is available. You are currently running <b>{\$tiki_version}</b>. Please visit <a href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/Download\">http://tikiwiki.org/Download</a>." => "A new version of TikiWiki, <b>{\$tiki_release}</b>, is available. You are currently running <b>{\$tiki_version}</b>. Please visit <a href=\"http://tikiwiki.org/Download\">http://tikiwiki.org/Download</a>.",
// "Crosslinks to other features and settings" => "Crosslinks to other features and settings",
// "Other sections" => "Other sections",
// "Spreadsheet" => "Spreadsheet",
// "Administration features" => "Administration features",
// "Security" => "Security",
// "System" => "System",
// "SysLogs" => "SysLogs",
// "Mods" => "Mods",
// "Click and scroll up to the top of the page" => "Click and scroll up to the top of the page",
// "Transversal features" => "Transversal features",
// "which apply to more than one section" => "which apply to more than one section",
// "Navigation features" => "Navigation features",
// "Text area features" => "Text area features",
// "features you can use in all text areas, like wiki pages, blogs, articles, forums, etc" => "features you can use in all text areas, like wiki pages, blogs, articles, forums, etc",
// "Stats &amp; banners" => "Stats &amp; banners",
// "Current Category ID:" => "Current Category ID:",
// "Managing content templates" => "Managing content templates",
// "Manage FortuneCookie" => "Manage FortuneCookie",

// "To use cookie in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}

 Plugin disabled

Plugin cookie cannot be executed.
{/literal}." => "To use cookie in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}

 Plugin disabled

Plugin cookie cannot be executed.
{/literal}.", // "To create a drawing in a Wiki page, use {literal}

 Plugin disabled

Plugin draw cannot be executed.
{/literal}, where foo is the name of the drawing. After saving, click on the drawing link." => "To create a drawing in a Wiki page, use {literal}

 Plugin disabled

Plugin draw cannot be executed.
{/literal}, where foo is the name of the drawing. After saving, click on the drawing link.",

// "Use Admin DSN to define the database to be used by the SQL plugin." => "Use Admin DSN to define the database to be used by the SQL plugin.",
// "Import forums" => "Import forums",
// "Use {literal}{/literal}ed id=name} or {literal}{/literal}ted id=name} to insert dynamic zones" => "Use {literal}{/literal}ed id=name} or {literal}{/literal}ted id=name} to insert dynamic zones",
// "Tiki integrator" => "Tiki integrator",
// "An easier way to integrate content from another site into Tiki is via iframed links using Tiki's <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_links.php\">featured links</a> feature." => "An easier way to integrate content from another site into Tiki is via iframed links using Tiki's <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_links.php\">featured links</a> feature.",
// "To use these links, you must assign the featured_links <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\"> module</a>." => "To use these links, you must assign the featured_links <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\"> module</a>.",
// "Help with Mail-in accounts" => "Help with Mail-in accounts",
// "mn" => "mn",
// "section level 0" => "section level 0",
// "section level 1" => "section level 1",
// "section level 2" => "section level 2",
// "section level 3" => "section level 3",
// "sorted section level 0" => "sorted section level 0",
// "Number of lines" => "Number of lines",
// "To use menus in a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a>, <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=siteid\">Site identity</a> or a template, use {literal}{menu id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the menu. To use <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://phplayersmenu.sourceforge.net/\">phplayersmenu</a>, you can use one of the three following syntaxes:" => "To use menus in a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a>, <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=siteid\">Site identity</a> or a template, use {literal}{menu id=x}{/literal}, where x is the ID of the menu. To use <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://phplayersmenu.sourceforge.net/\">phplayersmenu</a>, you can use one of the three following syntaxes:",
// "This will work well (or not!) depending on your theme. To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://themes.tikiwiki.org\">themes</a>" => "This will work well (or not!) depending on your theme. To learn more about <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://themes.tikiwiki.org\">themes</a>",
// "\n<b>Note 1</b>: if you allow your users to configure modules then assigned\nmodules won't be reflected in the screen until you configure them\nfrom MyTiki->modules.<br />\n<b>Note 2</b>: If you assign modules to groups make sure that you\nhave turned off the option 'display modules to all groups always'\nfrom <a href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=module\">Admin->Modules</a>\n" => "\n<b>Note 1</b>: if you allow your users to configure modules then assigned\nmodules won't be reflected in the screen until you configure them\nfrom MyTiki->modules.<br />\n<b>Note 2</b>: If you assign modules to groups make sure that you\nhave turned off the option 'display modules to all groups always'\nfrom <a href=\"tiki-admin.php?page=module\">Admin->Modules</a>\n",
// "parameters" => "parameters",
// "Create your new custom module below. Make sure to preview first and make sure all is OK before <a href=\"#assign\">assigning it</a>. Using html, you will be fine. However, if you improperly use wiki syntax or Smarty code, you could lock yourself out of the site." => "Create your new custom module below. Make sure to preview first and make sure all is OK before <a href=\"#assign\">assigning it</a>. Using html, you will be fine. However, if you improperly use wiki syntax or Smarty code, you could lock yourself out of the site.",
// "vertical" => "vertical",
// "Hint: For the vertical menu to work properly with all browsers, make sure to add <b>overflow=y</b> to the module parameters when you assign it." => "Hint: For the vertical menu to work properly with all browsers, make sure to add <b>overflow=y</b> to the module parameters when you assign it.",
// "structure" => "structure",
// "Admin calendar" => "Admin calendar",
// "Show in popup box" => "Show in popup box",
// "Custom URL" => "Custom URL",
// "Start of day" => "Start of day",
// "End of day" => "End of day",
// "Custom foreground color" => "Custom foreground color",
// "Custom background color" => "Custom background color",
// "You can add several email addresses by separating them with commas." => "You can add several email addresses by separating them with commas.",
// "Newsletters Help" => "Newsletters Help",

// "To use RSS feeds in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}
{/literal}, where x is the ID of the RSS feed." => "To use RSS feeds in a text area (Wiki page, etc), a <a class=\"rbox-link\" href=\"tiki-admin_modules.php\">module</a> or a template, use {literal}
{/literal}, where x is the ID of the RSS feed.", // "To aggregate several RSS feeds, use {literal}
{/literal}. <b>\"show publish date\" must be checked.<b/>" => "To aggregate several RSS feeds, use {literal}
{/literal}. <b>\"show publish date\" must be checked.<b/>",

// "To <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://security.tikiwiki.org/tiki-contact.php\">report any security issues</a>." => "To <a class=\"rbox-link\" target=\"tikihelp\" href=\"http://security.tikiwiki.org/tiki-contact.php\">report any security issues</a>.",
// "Note: You have to import security data via installation process (<a href=\"tiki-install.php\">tiki-install.php</a>). Import the *secdb* update files in your database." => "Note: You have to import security data via installation process (<a href=\"tiki-install.php\">tiki-install.php</a>). Import the *secdb* update files in your database.",
// "Manage Banned Words in Shoutbox" => "Manage Banned Words in Shoutbox",
// "For a multiple answer question put the answers into the following field, separated by a comma. Example: one,two,many,lots" => "For a multiple answer question put the answers into the following field, separated by a comma. Example: one,two,many,lots",
// "Help with Surveys" => "Help with Surveys",
// "If your Tiki is acting weird, first thing to try is to clear your cache below. Also very important is to clear your cache after an upgrade (by FTP/SSH when needed)." => "If your Tiki is acting weird, first thing to try is to clear your cache below. Also very important is to clear your cache after an upgrade (by FTP/SSH when needed).",
// "admin Tracker fields tpl" => "admin Tracker fields tpl",
// "Field is hidden?" => "Field is hidden?",
// "not hidden" => "not hidden",
// "visible by admin only" => "visible by admin only",
// "editable by admin only" => "editable by admin only",
// "Use \"explicit\" names in the mirror table" => "Use \"explicit\" names in the mirror table",
// "tracker name must be unique, field names must be unique \nfor a tracker and they must be valid in SQL" => "tracker name must be unique, field names must be unique \nfor a tracker and they must be valid in SQL",
// "Show tracker ID" => "Show tracker ID",
// "with leading zeroes?" => "with leading zeroes?",
// "hyphenated?" => "hyphenated?",
// "The tracker will use the text field named Subject if any as subject and will use the user email or for anonymous the email field if any as sender" => "The tracker will use the text field named Subject if any as subject and will use the user email or for anonymous the email field if any as sender",
// "Format if not the default short one:" => "Format if not the default short one:",
// "Show creation date when viewing tracker item?" => "Show creation date when viewing tracker item?",
// "Show lastModif date when viewing tracker item?" => "Show lastModif date when viewing tracker item?",
// "Do not show empty fields in item view?" => "Do not show empty fields in item view?",
// "Show these fields (ID comma separated) in a popup on item link when listing tracker items?" => "Show these fields (ID comma separated) in a popup on item link when listing tracker items?",
// "Import/Export CSV Data" => "Import/Export CSV Data",
// "Download CSV export" => "Download CSV export",
// "tracker_{\$trackerId}.csv" => "tracker_{\$trackerId}.csv",
// "Import file" => "Import file",
// "The group will have all the permissions of the included groups" => "The group will have all the permissions of the included groups",
// "remove from group" => "remove from group",
// "Warning: since this tiki site is in slave mode, all user information you enter manually will be automatically overriden by other site's data, including users permissions" => "Warning: since this tiki site is in slave mode, all user information you enter manually will be automatically overriden by other site's data, including users permissions",
// "edit included group" => "edit included group",
// "remove users and their userpages" => "remove users and their userpages",
// "Tip: hold down CTRL to select multiple" => "Tip: hold down CTRL to select multiple",
// "Warning: Are you sure you want to rename the \"admin\" user? It's better to add a new user and to assign this new user to the \"Admins\" group" => "Warning: Are you sure you want to rename the \"admin\" user? It's better to add a new user and to assign this new user to the \"Admins\" group",
// "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password and will mess with slave intertiki sites that use this one as master" => "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password and will mess with slave intertiki sites that use this one as master",
// "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password" => "Warning: changing the username will require the user to change his password",

// "Batch upload (CSV file<a {popup text='login,password,email,groups<br />user1,password1,email1,"group1,group2"<br />user2,password2,email2'}><img src=\"img/icons/help.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt='

 Plugin disabled

Plugin tr cannot be executed.
help" => "Batch upload (CSV file<a {popup text='login,password,email,groups<br />user1,password1,email1,"group1,group2"<br />user2,password2,email2'}><img src=\"img/icons/help.gif\" border=\"0\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" alt='

 Plugin disabled

Plugin tr cannot be executed.

// "advanced feature" => "advanced feature",
// "level configuration" => "level configuration&quot

Page last modified on Monday 25 de August, 2008 05:51:11

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