
Cuestionario Eurodoc 2009

Part I Present Status - General Questions

I.1 Have there been any changes in the status and/or conditions of doctoral candidates in the past year?
--> In some regions the doctoral candidates are funded now with 4 years contracts (Marisa)
Others regions reduce the amount of years to 3 years contract for making PhD Thesi (enric)
I.2 Have there been any major changes in Higher Education or Research policies in country the past year? Yes/No please describe
--> Yes, the structure of the degrees, masters and doctorates are changing right now towards a more European scheme.(Marisa)
I.3 If yes – how have this affected the conditions of ESR’s (Evalutation Summary Reports of Proposals )?
--> There is some uncertainty. We are afraid that Master students would be carrying out research beyond their asigments as students (Felipe).
I.4 In general, what are the hottest topics (in Higher Education and Research & Development) under discussion in your country, in particular affecting young researchers? Specify at least two of these.
--> At this moment the new Law of Science and the Reglament to define a Research/Teaching career at Universities are under discussion(Marisa)
I.5 What are the major concerns of doctoral candidates in your country?
--> - Uniform labour conditions: all young researchers should be contracted and contributing to the Social Security and Unemployment systems for the whole duration of their early years as researchers. End of the diversity of laboral conditions of the research grants and contracts.
- Long term planning of the research career. Nowadays, the beginning and continuation of the research career in Spain is full of obstacles and stops, because of a poor long-term planning and coordination between the different responsible institutions.(Marisa)
I.6 How is your association trying to address them?
--> Having meeting with the people in charge of research in the National and Regional Governments. Reporting the felloships that don't fullfit the present law to the Work Inspection. (MArisa) Nevertheless, this is a difficult task, since governmental actions are not coherent among ministries; we do neither feel that is a real priority for the government, nor the ideas of the Science Ministry about the research career match ours. (Felipe)
I.7 Which actions or activities has your national association been involved in during 2008?
--> - Following up a campaign to support the claims of the Spanish postdocs that are still without fringe rights (social security, unemployment rate, etc) in spite of the Statute approved in 2006.
- Reporting the fellowships that don't fullfit the present law to the Work Inspection.
- Starting up a campaing to talk to the fundations/organizations that give fellwships instead of contracts to the PhD candidates and postdocs.
- Lobbying Universities to make them forbid granting young scientists, urging them to opt for contracts.
- Updating a report about the Research Career. (Marisa)
- Promoting a law to give Social Security rights to all Early Stage Researchers.
- Proposing changes to the Reglament of Scientific Career. (Francisco)
I.8 Does your association feel that being a part of Eurodoc has been fruitful this past year? Yes/No
--> No (Marisa)
I.9 For the newly designated delegates, did you have any interaction with the previous delegates of your organisation? Yes/No
--> Yes
I.10 Have you been briefed by anyone in your organisation on your role in Eurodoc?
Yes, the other delegates inform me about how works Eurodoc and my role.
I.11 Are the previous delegates doing any follow-up, are they still involved in your organisation? Yes/No describe
--> No

Part II Thematic questions: Lisbon Declaration & Bologna Process

Promotion of Mobility

II.1 Which actions have been taken to promote the mobility of doctoral candidates on the national level in the last years?
--> Last year was the first year in which the Ministry of Science gave contracts to do postdocs in a foreing country. (Marisa)
--> Some PhD grants include travel help to move abroad for a perido of time between 1 and 6 months.
--> Also there are help, to anyone who make PhD to mkae a short stage (1-3 months) ina Europe research organization in order to get European PhD
II.2 Which actions have been taken in policy making in the areas of social affairs, finances, immigration (including visas, residence and work permits) on the national level in the last years?
--> The re are still many difficulties for outcoming PhD candidates, especially if they come outside EU. Main difficulty is how get a contract for investigation.

Degree Structure

II.3 Which actions have been taken to reform the curricula of doctoral education (improving employability, connected to learning outcomes, etc.) on the national level in the last years?
--> Not a lot. There have been changes in the structure to adapt the Doctorate to the Bolognia process (Marisa)

Quality Assurance

II.4 Which actions have been taken to measure quality of doctoral education on the national level in the last years?
--> There is a "quality mention" to award the good doctoral programmes (Marisa)
--> In some university (very few) has started to control each year the evolution of thesis (Enric)

Employability & Transferable Skills

II.5 Which actions have been taken to develop concepts regarding employability of doctoral candidates on the national level in the last years?
--> A program (Torres Quevedo) has been created to increase the number of researchers hired by the industry. (Francisco, aunque no tengo muy claro si la pregunta se refiere a esto)

Gender and funding

II.6 Which actions have been taken to give incentives for more women to stay in science after the doctoral education on the national level in the last years?
--> None (Marisa)
--> There is a association of Research women http://www.amit-es.org/

Part III Thematic questions: Charta & Code

III.1 Has your association heard of The European Charter and Code of Conduct? Yes/No If yes – has it affected anything with regards to the condition of ESR’s in your country?
--> Yes. The draft of the new Law of Science says that it's going to follow the recommendations of The European Charter and Code of Conduct. (Marisa)
III.2 Has your association done anything to promote it or are you planning a promotion campaign? Yes/No If yes – please give details – If no explain why
--> Yes. Actually the report about Research Carrer that we have as basic document to work with the organizations and politic parties is based on this document. (Marisa)

Part IV The future

IV.1 What the major goals your association hope to reach within the next year or two?
--> Be able to contribute to the development of the new Law of Science. Get the national and local goverments to contract their doctoral candidates.(Marisa)
IV.2 What would be the major topics you would like Eurodoc to focus on over the next years?
--> promotion European Charter? should be the most important goal, so it include all basic right for PhD candidates as a researchers(enric)
IV.3 How do you see your association contributing to reach these goals?
--> As we mention before, all negotiation has been carried out with government, university and research stockholders are based on European Charter

Part V Research 2009

V.1 Are there any special centres of doctoral candidates or cooperation networks of doctoral candidates in your country? (as a special workplace to organize their work, support their cooperation and offering special services to the companies) yes 0 no 0 not sure
--> Not sure (The OTRIS at Universities?) Yo creo que no.
V.2 How are the activities of these centres financed? 0 by state 0 universities 0 from their own profit 0 other
V.3 Are these centres part of the university and its hierarchy or independent (e.g. civil association)? 0 part of the university 0 independent (continue 3.1) 0 other (continue 3.2)
V.3.1 If they are independent, please describe:
V.3.2 If other organisation, please describe the organisation:
V.4 What are the main activities of these centres? (please describe)
V.5 What services do they offer to institutions? (please describe)
V.6 What services do they offer to companies? (please describe)
V.7 What services do they offer to doctoral candidates? (please describe)
V.8How does the cooperation of these centres and companies look like? Do companies (multiple answers possible)
0 buy solutions to their problems from these centres
0 suggest the topics of thesis or research projects
0 enable stages for candidates
0 pay them scholarships
0 offer employment after graduation
V.9 How do you evaluate the existence of these centres? (please describe)
V.9.1 What are their advantages?
V.9.2 What are their disadvantages?
V.9.3 What are the barriers?
V.9.4 What are the plans for future development?

Part VI Statistical Information

(PLEASE, state the source for the statistical data and if possible an internet link)

A Your Association

VI.1 How long has your association existed? Number of years: 9
VI.2 How many people are working in your association?
Number of people with payment: 0
Number of people without payment:
VI.3 Does your association get regular financial support from your state?
Yes/No NO The amount per month:
VI.4 A. Our association is an
0Association only for doctoral candidates
0Association for students
0Association for postgraduates
0Other (please specify in field IV.4B)
VI.4 B.
--> It's a young researchers organization. Involves doctoral candidates, postgraduates, postdoctorals, junior researchers. (Marisa)

B System of doctoral education in your country

VI.4.1 What is the approximate number of doctoral candidates in your country? What has been the trend in the past five years? (Please fill in the table)

YearNumber of doctoral candidates
Internal External
2004/20053221 6902
2005/20063347 7159

VI.4.2 How many institutions in your country offer doctoral degrees?

Type of InstitutionNumber%
Research Institution
Other (define please)
Total 627

Note: doctoral degree can only be offered by university, even you make research in a external research center.(enric)

VI.5 What is the average age of candidates entering doctoral programmes in your country?
--> 24??
VI.6 What is/are the entry qualifications for getting into a Doctoral programme
0 Bachelor's XX
0 Honours
0 Master's degree
0 other Master's degree or graduate with complementary 60 ECTS credits from a master according new doctoral structure form EEES (enric)
VI.7 What is the percentage of Doctoral candidates who complete their Doctorate? Among those, what is the proportion of those who complete it within the allotted time period?
--> 33.9% (2007/2008 data)
VI.8 What is the percentage of Doctoral candidates who withdraw? Are there interim qualifications for those who do not complete their doctorates (M. phil degree or other)?
VI.9 What is the proportion of Doctoral candidates who get funding for their research activity? Specify the different types of fundings and their ratio.
--> Offical data: 2000 (PFU+FPI) from Spanaih goverment. Apart there are regional grants and funds associated to others project (EU project, company, etc...)...difficult to know...
VI.10 What is the average amount of salary or bursary of the Doctoral candidates? Please give references (see below), and how is the proportion of doctoral candidates funded by this model?

Amount of Money per Month in Euro %
Internal External
Average Salary (per month in Euro)
Average Bursary (per month in Euro)
National Minimum Salary:624€
Average Salary:
Salary of people with the same skills:
State Financial Support1,100€
State Regular
State Irregular
Other Financial Support

VI.11 What is the proportion of Doctoral candidates having workers rights and duties? Specify the rights and duties provided to these Doctoral candidates (Provided to which groups of doctoral candidates)

Grant holdersEmployeesOther(describe) ... %
Social rights
Unemployment insurance
Health insurance
Compulsory long term care insurance
Pension insurance
Tax liabilities
Other (specify)

VI.12 What is the proportion of Doctoral candidates that practice teaching during their Doctoral programme? Are they paid separately for their teaching duties?
--> Some doctorals candidates make teaching without extra-paid and also without recognise as a teacher (not valuable as experience). Oficial grants allow doctoral candidate to teach (with a limit of hours per week), without extra money, but this must be recognize as experience for the unviersity. (enric)
VI.13 What is the amount of time spent on this activity?
--> Maximum 60 hours per year (Offical grants)(enric)
VI.14 Mobility of Doctoral Candidates

YearNumber of Candidates coming to your countryNumber of Candidates leaving from your country to study abroad
2007/200816996 (21.9%) no available

VI.15 Are Doctoral candidates considered students? Yes/No
--> YES, mainly in the first years (Marisa)
VI.16 What status does your association prefer for doctoral candidates and why?
--> Workers. Because the doctoral candidates are workers of Research. (Marisa)
VI.17 Do Doctoral candidates have to pay fees? Yes 0 no 0 partly 0 (describe)
--> YES.
VI.18 How much is it?
--> it depends on the University.
VI.19 Does this apply equally to foreigners (EU/ non-EU)? Yes/No YES
VI.20 What proportion of doctoral candidates are involved in collaboration between academia and industry during their doctorate?
--> Very few

Page last modified on Friday 25 de November, 2011 16:44:40

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